______ __ __ /\ _ \ /\ \__ /\ \ \ \ \L\ \ __ _\ \ ,_\ ___ ___\ \ \___ ___ _____ \ \ __ \/\ \/\ \ \ \/ / __`\ /',__\ \ _ `\ / __`\/\ '__`\ \ \ \/\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \_/\ \L\ /\__, `\ \ \ \ \/\ \L\ \ \ \L\ \ \ \_\ \_\ \____/\ \__\ \____\/\____/\ \_\ \_\ \____/\ \ ,__/ \/_/\/_/\/___/ \/__/\/___/ \/___/ \/_/\/_/\/___/ \ \ \/ \ \_\ \/_/ ____ ___ __ /\ _`\ /\_ \ /\ \__ __ \ \,\L\_\ __\//\ \ __ _\ \ ,_/\_\ ___ ___ ____ \/_\__ \ / __`\ \ \ /\ \/\ \ \ \\/\ \ / __`\/' _ `\ /',__\ /\ \L\ \/\ \L\ \_\ \\ \ \_\ \ \ \\ \ \/\ \L\ /\ \/\ \/\__, `\ \ `\____\ \____/\____\ \____/\ \__\ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\/\____/ \/_____/\/___/\/____/\/___/ \/__/\/_/\/___/ \/_/\/_/\/___/ Your custom website, HTML files, and content were created specifically for you. These files are located in the same folder as this file. It will require technical knowledge or assistance to restore your website using these files. In addition to this readme, included in these files you will find your WordPress files. Your database will be located in the included sql file. These files do not include proprietary scripts such as contact and scheduling forms, or third-party integrations. Some stock photography licenses cannot be used beyond our server. Your new website provider will need to replace these elements. If your DNS settings were managed by Autoshop Solutions you will also find a copy of those DNS settings, as a reference for previous mx records, txt records, et al, for your convenience. Your database is provided in the file labeled Wordpress.sql and a username has been added for your convenience. Your username is: sd@ericscarcare.co Password: 64Aacgv6Vg5t2hts0M*n3uTM